Reimaginging & Performing Data
A 60 page perfectly bound book collecting a series of fascinating research pieces by various contributors. Collated and edited by Dr Diane G. Scott of Glasgow University.
The Outcome
As with most academic content, the material was text heavy and came with fairly minimal imagery to help keep focus on the messages in the research. However, over sixty pages of content, this can risk becoming monotonous, with each new chapter blending into the next. This is what led us to decide to put in the extra effort to create a piece of graphic art as a header for each new section of the book. Pulling on the the theme of ‘reimagining data’ we used a variety of methods of rearranging, obscuring and transforming the chapter titles to create something bold and visually distinctive to bring weight to the content.
What came out of this process is not only a book that we’re incredibly happy with, but one that stands out beautifully on any academic’s shelf.